David Haughton
January 4 – 27, 2024
Noon–5pm Thursday, Friday & Saturday

The Puppet Masters: Making Fools of Us All describes a series of paintings by American artist David Haughton. It explores the origin of this body of work following the 2016 election, traces art historical antecedents for this form of protest art, and delves into the artist’s personal reasons for creating an extensive four-part series over a span of almost eight years. He seeks to paint the reality of people both in the USA and internationally who are filled with hatred, racism, and discrimination, and the men who control and influence them.
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The Puppet Masters – Making Fools of Us All (2024) is intended to provoke thought, promote discussion, and send a warning. Six years ago, David Haughton, an expatriate American who was born and raised in the US, was horrified by the rise in visibility of hatred-filled white nationalism and was compelled to begin painting. Following the 2016 US presidential election, he created an Angry White Men series, which portrayed the inchoate rage of unnamed men – men whose images were captured by media videographers and photographers at various alt-right rallies across the USA and throughout Europe. Haughton exhibited the first twelve works at Gallery 110 in September 2018 – to both acclaim and controversy. He responded, “In depicting these frightening people, I did not intend to glorify them, nor their beliefs. Rather, I was warning of the danger they posed while exposing the underbelly of US and European society.” Haughton echoes Leon Golub’s words: “I paint these works to express my sadness at what is happening in the world. I paint to reveal it and to stop it. I cannot stop it… it is too big. Together, let’s use these works to train to resist fear and falsehood. Stand in front of these men – remain aware of the ugliness and brutality of their behavior – calmly stare them down.”
Haughton continued to paint, coming eventually to a much deeper understanding of what was catalyzing this phenomenon. In two subsequent Vancouver exhibitions he expanded his series in number, size and complexity of image; the show emphasized a need to train ourselves to stand fast and stare down those who threaten others. For him, his paintings became a painful reality on January 6, 2020, nine months before the greatly expanded series was first exhibited in Vancouver, BC (October 2020).
Now, with another critical US election looming, he returns to Seattle with The Puppet Masters – Making Fools of Us All (2024). He offers additional premonitions and urgent warnings: the unraveling of civil society and law, the potential destruction of democracy, and the possibility of civil war. This exhibition serves as a representative selection from the 64-work series completed in 2020 and aims to help clarify, in paint, why democracy and liberal society are threatened. He introduces two new antagonists: Puppet Masters – cynical men who manipulate hatred for personal profit, and their Puppets – pathetically vulnerable men driven to commit lone-wolf violence. Haughton argues that the men in this first category are the truly evil – the men who most need to be called to task: people like conservative media celebrities, Canadian far-right internet bloggers, radio & cable talk-show hosts, white supremacist leaders, and former American Presidents. He warns anew: “They are making fools of us all”.
The Puppet Masters – Making Fools of Us All will be on display at Gallery 110 from January 4 – 27, 2024. Gallery hours are Thursday – Saturday from 12pm – 5pm and by appointment. For additional information, or to schedule a preview or private viewing of the exhibition, contact director@gallery110.com.
Puppet Master XVIII, Rush Limbaugh
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
36 x 48 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was an American radio personality, conservative political commentator, author and former television show host. He was best known as the host of his radio show The Rush Limbaugh Show. He died in 2021.
Limbaugh had been one of the premiere voices of the conservative movement in the United States since the 1990s. Limbaugh expressed controversial viewpoints on race, LGBT matters, feminism, and sexual consent. Limbaugh rejected climate change theory. Of Limbaugh's controversial statements and allegations they had investigated, Politifact rated 84% as ranging from "Mostly False" to "Pants-On-Fire" (signifying extremely false), with 5% of Limbaugh's contested statements rising to the level of "Mostly True" and 0% rated "True". These debunked allegations by Limbaugh include suggestions that the existence of gorillas disproves the theory of evolution, that Ted Kennedy sent a letter to Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov seeking to undercut President Reagan, that a recent lack of hurricanes disproves climate change, and that President Obama wanted to mandate circumcision.
Politifact - The Pointer InstitutNew Yorker: how-rush-limbaugh-invented-donald-trump Isaac Chotiner -
Puppet Master XVII, Donald Trump
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
36 x 48 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.The Trump 2016 presidential campaign was remarkable for bringing fringe ideas, beliefs, and organizations into the mainstream. During his presidential campaign, Trump was accused of pandering to white supremacists. He retweeted open racists, and repeatedly refused to condemn David Duke, the Ku Klux Klan or white supremacists.
Some research suggests Trump's rhetoric causes an increased incidence of hate crimes. It was reported in August 2019 that a nationwide review conducted by ABC News had identified at least 36 criminal cases where Trump was invoked in direct connection with violence or threats of violence. Of these, 29 were based around someone echoing presidential rhetoric, while the other seven were someone protesting it or not having direct linkage. The 2019 El Paso Walmart shooter directly referenced Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant and racist rhetoric in his manifesto.
Trump is now saying things Hitler did: “vermin” + “poisoning the blood”. He has promised his followers “retribution”. He has made obvious his intent to step outside the bounds of presidential power if he is re-elected - deploying the military against immigrants and building internment camps.
+ NYT Phillip Bump -
Puppet Master XVI, Richard Spencer
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
36 x 48 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.As head of the National Policy Institute, Richard Spencer is one of the country’s most successful young white nationalist leaders — a suit-and-tie version of the white supremacists of old, a kind of professional racist in khakis. Spencer has been credited with creating the term “alt-right”. Richard Spencer’s clean-cut appearance conceals a radical white separatist whose goal is the establishment of a white ethno-state in North America. His writings and speeches portray this as a reasonable defence of Caucasians and Eurocentric culture. In Spencer’s myopic worldview, white people have been “dispossessed” by a combination of rising minority birth rates, immigration and government policies he abhors.
Southern Poverty Law Center website – Extremist Files https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/richard-bertrand-spencer-0 -
Puppet Master XV, Stephen Miller
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
36 x 48 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.“An analysis of more than 900 emails from Stephen Miller, a White House speechwriter and close adviser to the president, to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist.”
Jamelle Bouie, NYT, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/15/opinion/stephen-miller-emails.html -
Puppet Master XIX, Gavin McInnes
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
36 x 48 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.Established in the midst of the 2016 presidential election by VICE Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys are self-described “western chauvinists” who adamantly deny any connection to the racist “alt-right,” insisting they are simply a fraternal group spreading an “anti-political correctness” and “anti-white guilt” agenda. Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric.
Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.
Southern Poverty Law Center website – Extremist Files
https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/proud-boys -
Puppet Master XI, Alex Jones
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
36 x 48 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.Dubbed "the most paranoid man in America" by Rolling Stone “documentary”-maker and webmaster Alex Jones is notorious for epic rants about “New World Order” plots for world government, enforced eugenics, secret internment camps, militarized police and behind-the-scenes control by a global corporate cabal. In his estimation, the only way to avert this dystopian future is if true patriots resist before it is too late, and his tens of thousands of acolytes are taking heed, building bunkers, hoarding food and investing in precious metals – and, in some cases, resorting to violence.
His principal venues are “The Alex Jones Show,” which has approximately 2 million weekly listeners and is nationally syndicated on about 60 radio stations, and two conspiracy-themed websites, InfoWars.com (Alexa rank 330) and PrisonPlanet.com (Alexa rank 3,237). He also peddles an extensive line of self-produced videos, “documentaries” that purport to prove a whole array of conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks, secret government concentration camps, and more.
Southern Poverty Law Center website – Extremist Files https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/alex-jones -
Puppet Master VII, Stefan Molyneux
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
24 x 24 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.A Canadian libertarian internet commentator and alleged cult leader who amplifies "scientific racism," eugenics and white supremacism to a massive new audience, Stefan Molyneux operates within the racist so-called “alt-right” and pro-Trump ranks. A glance at Stefan Molyneux’s subscriber count (650,000+) on YouTube suggests that he is a charismatic, persuasive and influential individual. A skilled propagandist and an effective communicator within the racist “alt-right” and pro-Trump ranks, his promotion of scientific racism and eugenics to a large and growing audience is a serious concern.
Molyneux has been delivering “race realist” propaganda, based on pseudo-scientific sources, to his audience on an ongoing basis for over two years, and thus has encouraged thousands of people to adopt his belief in biological determinism, social Darwinism and non-white racial inferiority. Molyneux puts considerable effort into cloaking the practical implications of these beliefs across his media platforms.
Southern Poverty Law Center website – Extremist Files https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/stefan-molyneux -
Puppet Master VI, Christopher Cantwell
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
24 x 24 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.A one-time drug dealer, candidate for Congress and aspiring stand-up comedian, Christopher Cantwell now hosts Alt-Right luminaries such as Matthew Heimbach, Augustus Invictus and Andrew Auernheimer, aka, Weev, on his call-in talk show “Radical Agenda.” On his show and in mordant essays published on his website Christophercantwell.com, this 36-year-old self-proclaimed fascist argues for an Anglo ethno state free of African-Americans, Jews and non-white immigrants, save, perhaps, for the occasional exception.
In Cantwell’s world, Black people are prone to violence and have lower IQs; Jews spread communism and can’t be trusted; immigrants are outbreeding whites; and a race war is all but inevitable.
Southern Poverty Law Center website – Extremist Files https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual?keyword=cantwell -
Puppet Master V, Charles Johnson
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
24 x 24 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.Charles Carlisle Johnson is an American far-right political activist.
“[We are] using the daily news as a means to propagandize people, to get them to look at the world in a certain way.”
“Fear. Now is the time for it…. We want these people to feel unwanted. We want them to feel that everything around them is against them. And we want them afraid.”
“I am, at heart, a troll.”
A self-described “investigative journalist”, Johnson is often described as an internet troll, and has been involved in the proliferation and spread of multiple fake news stories. Johnson was owner of the websites GotNews.com, WeSearchr.com, and Freestartr.com, all of these are now defunct.
washingtonpost.com/news//2015/05/26/charles-johnson-one-of-the-internets-most-infamous-trolls -
Puppet Master IV, Harold Covington
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
24 x 24 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.Harold Armstead Covington (September 14, 1953 – July 14, 2018) was an American neo-Nazi activist and writer. Covington advocated the creation of an "Aryan homeland" in the Pacific Northwest (the Northwest Territorial Imperative) and was the founder of the Northwest Front, a website which promotes white separatism.
Covington was mentioned in the media in connection with the Charleston Church shooting, whose perpetrator Dylann Roof cited Covington as an influence. According to Covington, the shooting was "a preview of coming attractions", but he also believed it was a bad idea for his followers to engage in random acts of violence, supporting organized revolution instead.
Southern Poverty Law Center website – Hatewatch -
Puppet Master I (Jeffrey Clarke)
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2020
24 x 24 inches
NFSJeffrey Clark and his younger brother, Edward William Clark, were active white supremacists who advocated for a race war between whites and non-whites. The brothers allegedly openly fantasized about killing Jews and Black people. The brothers were active in white supremacist social media circles, particularly on the controversial network Gab, a haven for white supremacists, where Jeffrey Clark made upwards of 4,000 posts and associated with Robert Bowers. According to the FBI, Clark’s Gab username was “@PureWhiteEvil” and his screen name, “DC Bowl Gang,” was an admiring reference to the bowl-style haircut of white supremacist mass shooter Dylann Roof.
https://www.adl.org/blog/another-white-supremacist-uses-gab-to-share-violent-racist-fantasies -
Mug Shot XXVIII - Matamoros
Acrylic on Clayboard
36 x 24 inches, 2019
NFSObsessively visited Twitter accounts of Puppet Masters before mosque attack.
Victims: The six murder victims were Ibrahima Barry (aged 39, Quebec government IT worker), Mamadou Tanou Barry (aged 42, accounting technician), Khaled Belkacemi (aged 60, professor at Laval University), Aboubaker Thabti (aged 44, pharmacy technician), Abdelkrim Hassane (aged 41, Quebec government computer analyst) and Azzedine Soufiane (aged 57, grocery store owner). Two were Guineans, two Algerians, one Moroccan and one Tunisian, all dual citizens of Canada. Eyewitness and video surveillance indicate that Soufiane was fatally shot after rushing and grappling with the shooter, saving several lives. Many mourners described him as a hero. Soufiane was posthumously awarded the Star of Courage.
Shooting: The shooting took place at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City after nightly evening prayers. The shooter, to whom we will give the name Matamoros, killed six people and injured five while firing five 10-round magazines from a 9 mm Glock semi-automatic pistol. Matamoros fled the scene and gave himself up to police later that evening, and would plead guilty as charged to six counts of first degree murder and six counts of attempted murder with a restricted firearm on January 30, 2017.
Perpetrator: Matamoros, a student at Université Laval and former Canadian Army Cadet, grew up outside Quebec City. Neighbours said his father and mother were both present in his life and were model parents, adding that they had never had a problem with either him or his twin brother Mathieu. Former acquaintances say he was introverted and sometimes bullied at school. In the month before the shooting, Matamoros, was on leave from his job at Héma-Québec with an anxiety disorder following an altercation with a coworker. During that month he obsessively visited the Twitter accounts of several right wing media personalities including Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, David Duke, Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Richard B. Spencer and Kellyanne Conway. -
Mug shot XXXIV- Teutonic Order
Acrylic on Clayboard
36 x 24 inches, 2019
NFSMan Tried to Burn Down Condo to ‘Kill All Jews,’ Police Say
Victims: Multiple fellow residents and the condominium building’s board of directors were at risk of death
Perpetrator: Swastikas, a copy of “Mein Kampf” and a mug bearing Adolf Hitler in a Santa hat were among the pieces of Nazi paraphernalia found in the apartment of the Miami resident currently facing life in prison for planning to kill his condo’s Jewish residents on Jan. 17, 2019. A 72 year old white man, to whom we shall give the name Teutonic Order, told a business associate that he planned to set fire to his condominium building and “kill all Jews” inside. Teutonic Order had clashed with fellow residents and the condominium building’s board of directors, expressing “anger and aggression” toward them on multiple occasions, according to the police report. It was not clear why he was being evicted. Teutonic Order, was well on his way to carrying out that plan when the police arrived, finding him in a parking garage with two gasoline containers. The police said he had already poured gasoline down the condominium building’s trash chute, and had 28 more gasoline containers and explosive materials in his storage unit. The police also found potassium nitrate and sulfur powder, which can be used to make explosive devices. He could have caused a massive explosion at the building, which has about 400 units. Police say the man brought two electrical fans to help spread the ensuing flames. He also bought padlocks and painted them red, intending to put them on the condo’s fire hoses to prevent their use by firefighters. -
Mug shot XXXVI - Exemplar
Acrylic on Clayboard
48 x 36 inches, 2019
NFSA Man Who Hated Black Men Found a Victim Who Cared for Others
Victim: Timothy Caughman, 66, was a “benevolent man content with an unassuming life”. He lived in a former single room occupancy residence that had been his longtime home. The son of a home health care aide and a pastor, he had worked in antipoverty programs in Queens. Religion and philosophy were constants in his conversations over unhurried meals of turkey bacon and grits at local diners. In recent years, he had caught the familiar New York infatuation with celebrities and delighted in collecting their autographs and pictures. His 2016 Election Day selfie commented: “I love America”.
Perpetrator: A 28 year-old white man born into a liberal household, with a Louisiana grandfather who supported racial integration, to whom we will give the name “Exemplar”, “Exemplar” expressed racist views as young as three years of age - but not frequently or openly - and only to “like-minded people”. He graduated from a Quaker school in 2007, voted for Obama in 2008, and served in US military as an intelligence analyst in Afghanistan starting in 2009. He won several awards and was honourably discharged in 2012. Five years later, by early 2017, he was a morose and seemingly directionless 28-year-old white man who lived in a filthy apartment in Baltimore. He had registered few obvious traces of who he was and what he stood for. Those who interacted with him found him to be a disagreeable and solitary figure who waved away contact with others. His mind was jammed with thoughts about killing black men, white genocidal theories and hatred of interracial couples. His Youtube channel was full of alt-right, neo-Nazi, Holocaust denial, MGTOW (misogynistic), pro-Trump and white nationalist content. His manifesto declared he was acting to set off a racial World War.
Attack: “Exemplar” traveled by bus from Baltimore to New York City with the intention of killing black men - to prevent white women from having interracial relationships with them. He walked up to Caughman from behind with an 18-inch sword and stabbed him to death. Two days later, he turned himself in to police. He confessed, showing little remorse. -
Mug shot XXXV- Border Patrol
Acrylic on Clayboard
48 x 36 inches, 2019
NFSHe Became a Hate Crime Victim, She Became a Widow.
Victim: Srinivas Kuchibhotla, came from Hyderabad, India to the US to study engineering. After his graduation, he accepted a job at Rockwell Collins, an avionics and information technology company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he worked as a systems engineer in the flight control department.
He loved everything about aviation, particularly the very idea that something so heavy could fly. He met Mr. Madasani at Rockwell. They would become best friends. Mr. Madasani moved to Kansas in 2014, to work at Garmin, a technology company. Mr. Kuchibhotla, now married to Sunayana Dumala, also moved to the Kansas City area, mostly to find opportunities for Ms. Dumala. Kuchibhotla found work as an engineer, also at Garmin. Kuchibhotla was so well regarded that his boss routinely asked if the human resources division could “find more Srinivases.” “This is not hyperbolic when I tell you he was almost the perfect employee,” said Dave Wysong, his supervisor. “He was a great engineer. Technically, very, very good. He was quiet and very, very friendly.”
Perpetrator: A 51 year old white US Navy Veteran, to whom we will give the name Border Patrol, had years before been an air traffic controller, then had worked in information technology. Recently Border Patrol was said to have become a drinker - one whose alcohol consumption increased and whose behavior rapidly deteriorated after his father died, 18 months before the crimes. In the last months he had held a series of unskilled jobs including in a hardware store and as a dishwasher in a pizza parlor.
Attack: According to witness accounts, the incident began as patrons were watching a basketball game; a man, Border Patrol, started yelling racial slurs at Mr. Madasani and Mr. Kuchibhotla, asking them whether their status was legal. Border Patrol had been escorted from the premises after he was confronted by restaurant staff and other guests, but returned later with a gun and began firing. He reportedly told the two targeted victims—South Indian men who work for Garmin, a technology firm—to "get out of my country" and called them “terrorists” before firing. Ian Grillot, a 24-year-old white American, was shot and suffered multiple bullet wounds as he came to the victims' aid. Mr. Kuchibhotla died at the scene. Mr. Madasani was struck in the leg and survived. Border Patrol was arrested while drinking at a restaurant bar about 82 miles away. He had attracted the barman's attention by saying he needed a place to hide because he had just killed “two rag heads”. -
Five Angry Men – (England and USA)
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2018
48 x 66 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
Four Angry Men – Singing Rioters (USA)
Acrylic on Multimedia Artboard, 2019
30 x 40 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
One Angry Man V – Old man with Shield & Goggles (USA)
Acrylic on Clayboard, 2019Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
One Angry Man VI (Bulgarian Nationalist)
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2018
16 x 20 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
One Angry Man VII (USA - Trumpista Giving Finger to the Press)
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2018
16 x 20 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
One Angry Man XI (USA - Trump Supporter with Black Glove)
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2018
16 x 20 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
One Angry Man XII - Nazi Salute (Hungary)
Acrylic on Clayboard, 2019
16 x 20 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
Three Angry Men I (Germany)
Acrylic on Clayboard, 2018
16 x 20 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
Three Angry Men II (USA)
Acrylic on Clayboard, 2018
16 x 20 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
Three Angry Men (Greece and USA)
Acrylic on Hardboard, 2018
30 x 40 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
Two Angry Men – Nordfront & Aryan Nation (USA & Sweden)
Acrylic on Multimedia Artboard, 2019
30 x 40 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
Two Angry Men I (France)
Acrylic on Clayboard, 2018
16 x 20 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
Two Angry Men V (USA - Young Trump Supporter)
Acrylic on Clayboard, 2018
16 x 20 inchesPlease note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. -
Two Angry Men VI (USA)
Acrylic on Clayboard, 2018
16 x 20 inches
Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.