Gallery 110 at the Seattle Art Fair

July 27 – 30, 2023
Booth B18

Gallery 110 is proud to be a part of the Seattle Art Fair this year. Come visit us at booth B18 and see the work of ten member artists:

Michael Abraham
Kurt Erickson
JW Harrington
David Haughton
Bonnie Hopper*
Marie Okuma Johnston*
Julian Peña*
Kathy Roseth
Li Turner
Brian Vu*

*Winners of the 2022 Gallery 110 Emerging Artist Scholarship Competition

Additionally, Present PerfectFinding Form in the Invisible and the New Members Show are on display at Gallery 110 from July 6 – 29, 2023. The gallery is open to the public from 12pm to 5pm on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and by appointment.



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About gallery110

Gallery 110’s mission is to provide dynamic opportunities to established and emerging professional artists in an environment that encourages creative expression, experimentation, and collaboration. As a nonprofit organization, the gallery fosters artistic and professional connections between its associated artists and the arts community at large through creative dialogue, the presentation of challenging and enriching curated exhibitions, public opportunities, and collaborative projects.