May 5 – 28, 2022
In Nocturnes IV: Return to Elliott Bay British Columbia artist David A. Haughton presents twenty evocative paintings of the Seattle harbor that capture twilight and dawn with wide passages of color and ambiguous suggestions of form. Cranes on the horizon tilt like enormous religious objects, transcending realism. Ships, coddled by the tides, rotate slowly, their lights reflecting across the water like mysterious, incandescent monasteries.
Haughton writes: “I joined Gallery 110 in 2009, and thus began regular trips south to Seattle. I discovered a group of dedicated fellow-artists and friends as well as a favorite place to stay: Pensione Nichols with its spectacular view of the harbor and Elliott Bay; a favorite place to eat: Le Pichet with its fantastic Lyon-style caramelized onion soup; and several favorite viewpoints – each at a particular time of day. All were all lost for almost two years, and the Pensione, closed forever.
While cut off from visiting in person, I explored, in paint, remembered water and mountains, evoking the light before dawn, at sunset, and in the gloaming – the times of night when there is still enough light to reveal shape and form – when the light’s glow provokes feelings of anticipation and longing.
With strong emotions I return, albeit masked, to offer these colored shards of the light on Elliott Bay, hoping to trigger such emotions in those who see them.”
“Nocturnes IV: Return to Elliott Bay” will be on display at Gallery 110 from May 5 – 28. The gallery is open to the public from 12PM to 5PM on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and by appointment ( Or stop by during the Pioneer Square First Thursday Art Walk on May 5 from 4-8PM.