March 7 – 30, 2024
Artist David Haughton presents Fragments of the Sea II, an acrylic painting exhibition consisting of primarily new paintings of the Pacific Ocean during storm season, and as a counter punctual accent, also features much older watercolor pieces of the Greek Cycladean landscape that were exhibited in Athens in 2007 at Haughton’s first Fragments of the Sea exhibition. The work highlights views of storm-tossed waves from the beaches of Tofino and Nocturnes of ships in the Burrard Inlet, all evoking light at crepuscule or before dawn.
Fragments of the Sea comes from a line in The Monogram, Haughton’s favorite poem by Odysseus Elitis, one of the three great modern Greek poets. Haughton’s first truly original artwork was a pen & ink drawing of houses by the Aegean Sea in 1975. Near 50 years later, he responds just as avidly to the juxtaposition of ephemeral edifices, land and the sea.
Fragments of the Sea II will be on display at Gallery 110 from March 7 – 30, 2024. Gallery hours are Thursday – Saturday from 12pm – 5pm and by appointment. Please join us for the First Thursday Art Walk on March 7, 2024 from 12-8pm.