Brian Vu

Born in Dallas, TX, Brian Vu is an interdisciplinary artist and arts administrator based in Seattle, WA. Brian holds an MFA in ceramics from Cranbrook Academy of Art and a BA in ceramics and contemporary dance from Bennington College. Brian has exhibited many group and solo shows nationally and has been awarded multiple fellowships and residencies.

Brian is interested in creating props or stand-ins that reference the household and the performance of daily functions that become emotionless, yet still essential. “A cup leaves a circular stain on a table: it is picked up and placed down on the same spot again, and again. It is both intentional and involuntary. It is a consistent improvisation; repeating learned, improving mundane daily tasks towards an unconscious efficiency and intended function.”

Brian’s compositions address the improvisation of memory with the mundane and domestic. References and rhythms become more abstract, minimal and analogous to each other, effectively queering the languages. He aims to render ceramic and non ceramic materials with equal importance that then arrive at intersectional, nuanced, and formal conversations. 


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About gallery110

Gallery 110’s mission is to provide dynamic opportunities to established and emerging professional artists in an environment that encourages creative expression, experimentation, and collaboration. As a nonprofit organization, the gallery fosters artistic and professional connections between its associated artists and the arts community at large through creative dialogue, the presentation of challenging and enriching curated exhibitions, public opportunities, and collaborative projects.