Between, Betwixt, Beneath by Gregory Pierce

October 3-November 2, 2024

Join us at Gallery 110 in October to experience how sculptor Gregory Pierce explores our connection to landscapes that are embedded with cultural and material history.

Pierce’s unique process fuses together collected rock material with found and fabricated objects into distinctive and powerfully raw configurations. Instead of portraying traditional vistas, he condenses personal viewpoints, memories, and traces of human detritus into layered abstracted forms that are often strangely suggestive and vaguely familiar to the viewer.

In this exhibition, Greg has scaled down the size of his work, encouraging viewers to engage with it more intimately. Some works create links between gifts from nature and fabricated materials refined for industrial purposes. Other pieces display a lyrical elegance in the arrangement of shape, texture, and color that plays off of the raw qualities that emerge through the chaotic transformative process of melting, cutting, and configuring rock, glass, and clay materials into form.

As a whole, these works invite viewers to contemplate how the hidden histories embedded in the rock and soil layers beneath our feet impacts our realities on the surface of this rocky planet.

Gregory V. Pierce is a studio artist/educator living in Kennewick, Washington. After completing his B.F.A. at The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University and his M.F.A. at San Diego State University, he has worked in various artist residencies and studios across the country before happily settling on the West Coast. His work can be found in many private and public collections across the country.


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About gallery110

Gallery 110’s mission is to provide dynamic opportunities to established and emerging professional artists in an environment that encourages creative expression, experimentation, and collaboration. As a nonprofit organization, the gallery fosters artistic and professional connections between its associated artists and the arts community at large through creative dialogue, the presentation of challenging and enriching curated exhibitions, public opportunities, and collaborative projects.