April 2013

First Thursday Artwalk: April 4th, 6-8 p.m.
Exhibitions April 4 – 27
David Haughton – Pascale Lord

View From The Sea III with shadow

David Haughton – Fear, Hope, Longing
Paintings of the Pacific Northwest
Vernissage/Preview: Wednesday, April 3rd, 5-8:30 pm


Winter’s waves chill and drain, frighten; repetitively whispering rumor of a massive rogue wave, just behind.Dawn’s first blush in the sky exhilarates with the infinite potential of the coming day.Sunset’s stillness and fading color trigger ache for more days, more years, more warmth…more love.

This series of paintings are anchored in feeling. With each painting, Haughton seeks the alchemy of engagement: the sharing of emotion through cadence, hue and form.David Haughton is a self-taught artist. He is inspired by the changing light by the water in British Columbia, and by the shifting patterns of sky, sea and mountain. He starts with an uncluttered composition: a pine twisted by the wind, mountains, the sea…. and then allows many layers of paint to follow. His paintings are an exploration of surface and texture: of patterns created, hidden, revealed, then shrouded again, but even more so, of emotion. As one critic wrote: “[his] paintings appear full of unconsummated longing and desire, yearning and reaching.”

Julie's Lemon drop

Pascale Lord – A Table !

Pascale Lord’s recurrent investigations about questions of truth and authenticity are described in everyday life situations in this latest series of work.

The image of a meal holds a particular resonance for Pascale  and reflects her French passion for food. A Table !, evokes a contradiction of sorts: that the simple, everyday act of eating with family and friends requires us to navigate complicated relationships with one another. This maze of interaction allows Pascale to explore the complex emotions, kindled by her awareness, bantered as conversation around the dinner table.