A Kind of Reunion

August 1 – 31, 2019
First Thursday: August 1, 5 – 8pm
Artists’ Reception: August 24, 3 – 5pm

Gallery 110, an independent artist-run gallery, has been part of the Pioneer Square art community since 2002. During the last 17 years the gallery has featured over 400 exhibitions by local, national and international artists. This exhibition brings together a few of the artists who were there at the very beginning of the gallery and who are still a part of the art community in the Seattle area and beyond.

A Kind of Reunion will feature work by:

Betsy Best Cynthia Bittenfield Chris Buening
Sarah Dillon Jessica Dodge Dave Kennedy
Nancy Kiefer Steven Miller Natalie Niblack
Cindy Small Kate Sweeney David Traylor
  Ellen Wixted  
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About gallery110

Gallery 110’s mission is to provide dynamic opportunities to established and emerging professional artists in an environment that encourages creative expression, experimentation, and collaboration. As a nonprofit organization, the gallery fosters artistic and professional connections between its associated artists and the arts community at large through creative dialogue, the presentation of challenging and enriching curated exhibitions, public opportunities, and collaborative projects.