14th Annual International Juried Exhibition

February 1 – March 2, 2024
Juror: Greg Robinson

Gallery 110’s annual juried exhibition showcases work by emerging and established artists, chosen from over 1100 applications by this year’s juror, Greg Robinson, Cynthia Sears Endowed Chief Curator, Bainbridge Island Museum of Art (BIMA).

Greg Robinson is a Seattle native, and holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from New York University. While working for Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City in the 1980s, he curated the expanded hospital art collection. Robinson has worked in Washington state arts organizations since 1995. Previously, he was executive director of Pratt Fine Arts Center in Seattle, director of William Traver Gallery in Tacoma, and executive director of Museum of Northwest Art in La Conner. In 2010, he became founding executive director and curator of Bainbridge Island Museum of Art (BIMA), and since 2016 has served as Chief Curator.

The 14th Annual International Juried Exhibition will be on display at Gallery 110 from February 1 – March 2, 2024. The juror will award first, second and third place prizes of $1000, $500 and $300. There will also be a People’s Choice Award of $200, voted on by visitors to the gallery’s First Thursday opening (2/1/24). The gallery is open to the public from 12PM to 5PM on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and by appointment. Visit us during the Pioneer Square First Thursday Art Walk on February 1st from 12-8PM.

The 14th Annual International Juried Exhibition‘s reception and juror’s award announcements will be February 2, 2024 from 4:00 – 5:30pm. Invitations to the reception can be requested from director@gallery110.com.

Soon after the reception a link to a video of the 2024 award announcements will be posted on Gallery 110’s website as a link to Facebook and Instagram.


1st place – Eclipse by Julie Anne Mann
2nd place – Cold Comfort by Lorri Lyn Dixon
3rd place – Variations on a Theme V and The King is Dead, Long Live the King by Dorothy McGuinness
People’s Choice Award – Interwoven by Sue Bradford

Over 350 people came through the gallery on the first two days of the 14th Annual International Juried Exhibition. 347 people voted for their favorite piece. Every artist in the show received ballots from the public for the People’s Choice Award. At the reception on Friday February 2, our Juror, Greg Robinson spoke thoughtfully about his process and commended all the artists in the exhibition. The party was well attended with eighteen of the exhibiting artists available to give a brief personal introduction to their work. Thank you to everyone who stopped by Gallery 110 and supported the juried exhibition! The show will be on display until Saturday, March 2nd.


I have greatly enjoyed the jury process for this 14th Annual International Juried Exhibition at Gallery 110. The diversity and quality of artworks submitted was impressive. Through these submissions, I have become aware of many accomplished artists brand new to me. That is both humbling and exciting, and clearly reflected in the final selections. As a curator, I believe it is my professional responsibility to expand my awareness of working artists.

Online jury processes have pitfalls. However, in recent years there have been great improvements in enlarging images, and presenting artwork and artist details. Thanks to all of the artists who applied. Thanks also to those at Gallery 100 who worked on this multi-step annual exhibition. Juried exhibitions are important and complicated, and I appreciate being part of this.

Greg Robinson, Cynthia Sears Endowed Chief Curator, Bainbridge Island Museum of Art


Paul Adams Nina Alderete Dorothy Anderson Wasserman
Norman Aragones Audineh Asaf Jena Ataras
Steffani Bailey David Baird Annemarie Baldauf
Nancy Bardach Raymond Bonavida Sue Bradford
Jon Bradham Heidi Brueckner Carol Bultsma
Olena Burykina Samuel Case Renee Noelle Cheesman
Brandon Cook Sheila Coppola Jane Corich
Luis Corpus Lorri Lynn Dixon David Haughton
Steve Jensen Levant Karayalim Bella Kim
Harry Longstreet Julie Anne Mann Chas Martin
Katharine McDevitt Dorothy McGuinness David Moore
Aaron Morgan Jacqueline Moseley Alan Newberg
Gary Rubin Debra Sloan Suze Woolf


14th Annual International Juried Exhibition

Purchase the exhibition book here!

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About gallery110

Gallery 110’s mission is to provide dynamic opportunities to established and emerging professional artists in an environment that encourages creative expression, experimentation, and collaboration. As a nonprofit organization, the gallery fosters artistic and professional connections between its associated artists and the arts community at large through creative dialogue, the presentation of challenging and enriching curated exhibitions, public opportunities, and collaborative projects.