11th Annual Juried Exhibition

Opening and Prize Presentation on February 4, 2021 from 5-7 pm
Juror: Shamim Momin

Shamim Momin, Juror, has carefully chosen an outstanding collection of work from over 1,000 entries worldwide.


John Affolter Dorothy Anderson Wasserman Anastasia Babenko
Amy Broderick Kathleen Caprario Lisa Gordillo
Deborah Kapoor Marianne McCraney Layl McDill
Leighton McWilliams Haylie Roché Sarah Peterman
Jeffrey Olson Sherry Ruden  Caroline Rust
Rotem Reshef Autumn Nicole  Joan Sowada
Brad Silk Michiko Tanaka Wendy Thon
Heather Tomlinson Rhonda Urdang Winnie van der Rijn


Artist Statements

Selected from over 1200 submissions, this exhibition presents the work of twenty-four artists working in a range of mediums and practices. While the selection was not guided by a pre-determined thematic, there does emerge common ground and threads of connection across the diverse works. In particular, there is a strong sense of revealing the unseen—whether a people, a system, a history, or a practice. Translated through transformative layers of materiality, abstraction, or revised modes of representation, the works address concerns from ethnic genocide, the threat of current politics, injustices across gender and sexual preference, the fundamental inequity of social structures, and efforts to reimagine the white-washing of history—among other issues. Other threads tie together across works foregrounding a tactile materiality, those embracing abstraction embedded with social issues or the body as a site of contest, and certainly, resonating in many diverse objects, a ghostly sense of absence and loss linked undoubtedly to our current state of isolation and lack of community connection.



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About gallery110

Gallery 110’s mission is to provide dynamic opportunities to established and emerging professional artists in an environment that encourages creative expression, experimentation, and collaboration. As a nonprofit organization, the gallery fosters artistic and professional connections between its associated artists and the arts community at large through creative dialogue, the presentation of challenging and enriching curated exhibitions, public opportunities, and collaborative projects.